
Dear Diary

Extracted from the Diary of Lauriel Cardiff

June 16, 2011
Dear Diary,
Today my boyfriend’s parents got a letter about him. Apparently he was in some real heavy fighting and was hurt pretty bad. He also got recommended for the highest award a soldier can receive in the Valor Corporation, the Medal of Honor. I can’t forget the last nights we spent together; he was always kind, loving. He knew me, he always made me laugh, and we had some great evenings, and some even better nights. But my father told me that war changes people, they aren’t always the same when they get home. I’ll be seeing Carl when he gets home this week, and I don’t care if he’s been hurt. I’ll love him all the same.

{Note: Inside of the diaries page is a copy of Carl Hoi’s recommendation for the Medal of Honor, below is that citation.}

“Sgt. Guevara
111th Platoon, Vikings
Corporal Hoi was with us when we entered the enemy facilities. As we proceeded towards their main objective we came under heavy fire. I lost track of Hoi and two of his squad mates. In the confusion and gunfire I was struck in the shoulder with two bullets. Knocked to the ground and immobilized I began calling for Hoi, who was then serving as my Bravo Fire Team leader. Hoi immediately appeared at my side. Wordlessly he released a fusillade of bullets on the Raven soldiers, taking out three in quick succession.  Then he dragged me to cover, after this he took the Bravo Fire Team to flank the enemy positions. After about five minutes of waiting, I heard two huge explosions, a flurry of gunfire then silence. Hoi came out of the smoke and back to my position. Once he arrived he told me that he had taken out all enemies, but had lost both of his comrades. I noted that at this time he had taken a bullet to the leg and one arm. However, Hoi led the remanents of Bravo FT and Alpha FT to take the final objective. At which point he detonated charges to destroy the data center.
When he came back to report to me he had further shrapnel injuries, and extensive burn damage all across his chest and legs. Hoi carried me back to the APC, under fire from the enemies. Hoi suffered a final gunshot to his back, placed me in the APC, and turned to return fire on the enemies and cover the rest of the squads retreat to the APC.
I recommend, Cpl. Hoi, for both a promotion and the Medal of Honor. “

A note from the Author:
Sorry about today's post being dreadfully short. I unfortunately had previous engagements and have only had a very short window to even post this. Everyone please thank my dear sister for the diary entry! Expect a HUGE post for Saturday.
Seriously, you might need your reading glasses. ;p

Carry on.

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